February 1 Message From Your Pastors

What I learned in Kenya Most of you all know that Karen and I had the privilege to spend two weeks in Kenya and visit the good work being done in Muhudu village through our church’s support. I learned a lot during this time–I learned just how much difference 10 dollars a month can make…

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January 12 Message From Your Pastors

OFF WE GO… Your pastors are excited to be off to Kenya on Friday.  Thank you for all your support and prayers as we head over to visit Muhudu and see the good work that our church does in supporting the orphans in the village.  This is one of the ways that God has given…

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January 5 Message From Your Pastors

Hello/Good-Bye Happy New Year OCC! 2024!  On New Year’s Eve, we did nothing. Still recovering from the stomach bug, the Munn men went to bed early and I found myself with some journaling time. So I followed the suggestion I was introduced to at a leadership conference this year and I wrote about things I was saying…

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December 28 Message From Your Pastors

Let’s do lunch with the Director of Covenant World Relief! Adam Edgerly, director of Covenant World Relief and Development (CWRD), is coming for lunch at Orchard Covenant on Saturday, January 13th at 1pm. THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY for us!  Help us welcome him by signing up to bring some food. We are looking for rice + beans, sandwiches,…

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December 21 Message From Your Pastors

  Merry Christmas,  Noeli Nziza,  Joyeux Noel, & Heri ya Krismasi! What an amazing witness that our church is to the power of God, through the birth of a child, in the backwaters of an oppressed nation, sent to save the whole world,  including the oppressive empire! May we continue in the work of Jesus- …

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December 14 Message From Your Pastors

  This supposed to be Christmas-y I wanted to write something that was helpful this Christmas,  and so I was looking for a great Christmas Tie-in to some super useful idea.  But then,  I decided (with Pastor Karen’s encouragement) to just write something that God has been doing inside me.  So I am going to…

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November 30 Message From Your Pastors

  Advent – can you believe it!?! This year is flying!! Thank you to those of you who came and helped with Martine’s Memorial Service. It was a beautiful day and a true blessing to meet her family and friends. Boy, was she an interesting lady! But more importantly, she was a true testimony to…

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November 24 Message From Your Pastors

  Grateful to… you! Church, Your pastors are grateful for all that you do for God through Orchard Covenant Church.  We know that many of you wear several hats.  We know that many of you wear hats that don’t really fit you,  but are needed.  We know that you stretch to give financially, stretch to…

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November 3 Message From Your Pastors

  Troubling News Cycle Bad bad news. What is a loving person to do? What does God ask of those of us who say we are Christian? Do you know what happens to your body when you get bad news? According to the Mayo Clinic, depending on how you react to bad news, you can get…

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October 26 Message From Your Pastors

  What a three years it has been! Did you know that Pastor Karen and I were installed three years ago,  October 25th, 2020!  Facebook reminded me.  Of course, we had started long before that, but COVID had delayed the installation several months. In that time, there has been a lot of change.  When change happens, …

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