December 12 Message From Your Pastors

Christmas pageant This week is our annual Christmas program.  And we are blessed to have so many kids that this feels grand and chaotic! May we never take for granted the blessing of young hearts that are growing in God. Come and support them! Invite a friend that used to go to church. Maybe someone that…

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November 28 Message From Your Pastors

The economy of the early church As we enter into December on Sunday and the final month of our budget year,  we have a lot to be grateful for.  God has again provided for us and our church.  While our giving has not reached the levels budgeted for,  our expenses have been less than planned for! All…

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Events and Happenings

EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS December 1  Sunday school (all ages & adults) 9:45am                      Church Service  and Communion at 11amDec 8  There will be a brief meeting after the service and before munch n mingle to vote on the nominating committee.  The vote is for members only but others are…

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November 14 Message From Your Pastors

a letter about being a woman in ministry Dear Orchard, What a week! It’s hard to believe that I am closing out my final weeks with you. Sunday, November 24 will be my last sermon. In it, I plan on talking about Thanksgiving and sharing with you the many things I am thankful for. This…

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November 7 Message From Your Pastors

A word about the election Whether you are thrilled about the results or terrified for the future,  we must remain rooted in Christ.  I spent Wednesday morning in the book of 1 Kings,  and read about this bad king,  and that bad king,  and peppered with a few good kings.  And this is the history of…

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October 31 Message From Your Pastors

My dear friends in Christ, This is a difficult week. We have been preaching on being rooted in Christ this fall for good reason. The U.S. is once again in the midst of a contentious election and the consequences are severe for many of us. For those of us who grew up in the U.S….

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October 24 Message From Your Pastors

How’s the “rooting” going for you? We have been in the “Rooted” series for quite a while now and we wanted to check up on you.  It is easy to have our faith-life on cruise control especially when we are stressed or worried or distracted.  So, as long time Covenanters are apt to say, “how goes…

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October 17 Message From Your Pastors

Last Saturday I officiated a memorial service and a burial for a person who was raised in our church. It was an odd situation for a number of reasons, but I shared with them a benediction you may have also heard me share at other memorials. “Do not hurry as you walk with grief. It…

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October 10 Message From Your Pastors

The rootedness of God’s church Most of you have heard the news that Pastor Karen has accepted a new call, and will be finishing her ministry here on November 30th.  I (Pastor Nick) have very willingly agreed to stay on until an interim/transitional pastor is found or until the summer.  I know all of us…

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October 3 Message From Your Pastors

What causes someone to start attending church A church vitality organization recently did a survey of people who started attending church after not being a church attender.  Here is the results: So what should be the take-away?  Most people who start attending church do so because they were invited and had a spiritual desire or…

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