As I prepare to transition out as your pastor, I do so with deep love for you and what God has done through us this past four years. I believe in THE MISSION OF THIS CHURCH. I love the generosity of its members. You have chosen to share space with each other. To make room…
Read moreMarch 6 Message From Your Pastor: Easter Is Coming
While Christmas gets the biggest reviews in our culture and most American churches, Easter is the most important day of the church year. It is when we celebrate the only reason the church exists: Jesus’ death and resurrection. Given that this holiday celebrates the GOSPEL in its purest form. It is an amazing time to invite a…
Read moreFebruary 28 Message From Your Pastor: Mission Friends
This Sunday, I will be starting a series on the 4 mission priorities that our church (and God’s church) has. I want to show you that these priorities are not primarily organizational (that is to keep the church building open) but theological. That these priorities were given to us by Jesus Christ himself as he…
Read moreFebruary 20 Message From Your Pastor: Mission Friends
As we continue to seek God’s kingdom, scripture exhorts us to never get tired of doing good. God’s people have never been called to ending evil in the world. God has always promised that he will be the one to do that ultimately. Cheering for others in doing the big nation-sized things or hate-watching the…
Read moreFebruary 13 Message From Your Pastor: Mission Friends
Last week, I asked you to lift up your church leaders in prayer. This week, I would like you to pray that God would continue to raise up leaders. If you are already a leader in the church, pray that God will show you who He wants to raise up in the future, and for…
Read moreFebruary 6 Message From Your Pastor: Mission Friends
Mission Friends, Last Sunday, you voted in a new council. Please lift them and our other leaders up in your prayers: Linda Howell, as chairperson Francis Nakitare, as vice-chairperson Victor Adaji, as Treasurer Dina Hokanson as Financial Secretary Toni Wapner as Council Secretary Roberta Glassman, Alice Jumba Nakitare, Brenda Juma, & John Howell as Ministry Chairs…
Read moreJanuary 30 Message From Your Pastor: Jesus’ most political statement
On the whole, Jesus’ ministry was not about rebellion or insurrection to the powers that be, in spite of the evil that was felt by the Jewish minority population in the Roman Empire. His gospel message did not need political overtones, because it was about a kingdom that could not be contained by nations or…
Read moreJanuary 24 Message From Your Pastor: God’s kingdom was established through immigration
Regardless of your political position on immigration policy, it is indisputable that God used immigration to spread his kingdom. Abram immigrated to Canaan and became Abraham. Jacob survived family by immigrating to Egypt. Ruth immigrated to Israel and became the great grandmother of King David. Jesus was a refugee in Egypt. The early church was…
Read moreJanuary 16 Message From Your Pastor: Enhanced DNA
Most of you know that I like superhero stories. And every superhero has an origin story about how they came to have powers and do what they do. One common origin story these days is that something caused them to have their DNA enhanced. It is still them, just supercharged. We are starting a new…
Read moreJanuary 9 Message From Your Pastor: Praise God
Did you know that we have a lot to thank God for this last year? He was faithful to and through us last year. Here are some highlights (in no particular order): 1. We baptized most of the Wilondja family and Dana Demand! Praise God. 2. We installed AC and quiet heating in the community…
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