For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. – 2 Cor. 7:10 Paul wrote these words after having had to write a pretty sharp letter to the church in the greek town of Corinth. He wanted them to understand that when we are challenged to live our life…
Read moreJanuary 13 Message From Pastor Karen – Greetings OCC!! Happy New Year!
What has the Lord been stirring in you lately? I used to expect that God would deliver a personal message to me every day. I believe God can do this, particularly when we are reading scripture on a regular basis, but I’m finding in this season of my life, the Lord seems to stretch themes…
Read moreDecember 22 Message From Pastor Karen
“O Holy Night” is one of my favorite Christmas songs. Did you know it was translated into English (from French) in Massachusetts, likely in West Roxbury? The translation was done in 1855 by John Sullivan Dwight who was a unitarian minister and the former director of the school at the 19th-century Brook Farm commune. Did you know that…
Read moreDecember 8 Message From Pastor Karen – “A Blessed Advent to you OCC!”
How important are names? When Pastor Nick and I were preparing for our boys to be born we talked for hours about their names. It was one of the most enjoyable parts about planning for their arrival. We picked out names for girls, names for boys. We considered what their initials would be. As you may know,…
Read moreNovember 10 Message From Pastor Karen – “How Did You Sleep Last Night?”
The virtue we are wrestling with this coming Sunday is restfulness. Though I believe Jesus can commiserate with our stress, (he did after all, sweat blood in Luke 22:44), he promised his yoke was easy. We also don’t see the Creator God stressed from all the creating. However, we do see in scripture that our God…
Read moreOctober 27 Message From Pastor Karen – “Happy Thursday Church!”
This coming Sunday we are talking about power. We don’t often think of empowerment as a virtue of Christ because we think so often of Christ’s humility. But what empowered Jesus to stand up to oppressors, to speak up for outsiders and ultimately, what empowered Jesus to go to the cross? Think about the power…
Read moreOctober 13 Message from Pastor Nick – “God’s people accept others, and speak blessing into their lives”
God’s people accept others, and speak blessing into their lives. Pastor Karen spoke about the virtue of acceptance and blessing last Sunday. She mentioned that to accept someone doesn’t mean you have to agree with them. This is counter-cultural at this point. In a world without God, the most important stuff – life, love, who…
Read moreOctober 13 Message From Pastor Karen – “Dear Church”
This fall we have started a worship series called, “More than Words.” This series is focused on virtue – developing Christian character such that our actions and reactions speak of Jesus. The phrase, “walking the talk,” comes to mind. This topic has become pertinent as over and over again we see leaders and influencers in…
Read moreOctober 6 Message From Pastor Nick – “New Look, Same Purpose”
You have already probably noticed that the weekly Messenger looks a little different. It has been redesigned with the church’s logo and colors, but also you will start to see the same “quick links” box at the top of the email each week. We hope this will help to make the email more user-friendly by…
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