
August 15 Message From Your Pastors

Greetings OCC!
I hope the e-news finds you well and soaking in the last weeks of summer.
Our summer has been amazing so far but also been a little too busy. It’s probably not a surprise, if you know me, to hear that when I get busy, I start losing things.

It all started when I was speaking at Camp Squanto the week of July 7. I thought my phone was safely tucked away in the chapel but it turns out it had fallen out of my bike basket. The wheel of a heavy vehicle found it before I did.

A few days later, my keys were misplaced by a teen. Two weekends ago, my repaired cell phone was left at the rehearsal dinner of my cousin’s wedding and then again at the reception.

Meanwhile both speakers at both weeks of Family Camp at Pilgrim Pines spoke about the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep and the lost son. Both weeks they spoke about how unable lost things are to search out their own finding. Lost things are helpless. They don’t have the ability to sneak themselves out from under the couch or into the light.

God knows where our lost things are. God knows where our lost ones are. And when we are feeling lost, we are not lost to God.

Losing costly or precious things feels like a crisis (and sometimes they are – we lost Jake once at an apple orchard). How does faith bevy these moments? When you start losing things, do you have faith that you will get to the other side of that “losing” season? Do you pray for the people that seem lost to you? Do you believe that God knows where they are?

I believe I am coming to the end of my “losing things” season – at least for now. I feel more grounded, now that I have my keys back and my phone, though bent, is functioning. I welcome the kids return to school. It’s a blessing to spend time with them in the summer, but it’s really hard to get the balance “right.”

Dear Lord, Thank you that you know where out lost things/ones are. Guide us as we seek them. Even if they remain lost to us, may they be found in you… Amen.

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