
August 23 Message From Your Pastors

Back to Church Sunday… Who’s coming?

Mission friends,  as we have returned back from our last summer vacation hurrah before Fall comes,  it reminds me that September 15th is the official Back to Church Sunday,  it is also the start of Sunday School, and our return to 11am service time.

It is a great time to ask yourself,  who has been missing from church?  Maybe they have been gone during the summer,  or had fallen off rhythm during last year,  or maybe they got disconnected a long time ago.  This is a great Sunday to invite them to.

Maybe that person is you.  Or maybe you have been inconsistent.  This would be a great Sunday for all our people to choose to be present at the same time.  There is something beautiful and powerful when the full body of a church gathers together.

Do you know people who need a church?  Maybe they have a church but don’t attend,  maybe they have work shifts that have given them an excuse to not come.  September is a great Sunday to invite them to.

And this week is a great week to give the first invite.  Get their minds going,  let them battle with excuses.  Then in a couple of weeks, INVITE THEM AGAIN.  On average, it takes 7 invites for a person to finally check out a church.  Persevere.

We are going to start a series on that Sunday called Rooted.  It is about how to have a faith is nurtured,  sustained and can weather the challenges of life.  It is a series that goes back to the basics of faith and seeks to help people be moved into deeper relationship with Jesus.  Do you know anybody who needs a deeper relationship with Jesus?  If so,  whether that is you or someone you care for,  consider September 15th.


Pastor Nick

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