
August 29 Message From Your Pastors

Greetings Orchard!
I hope this email finds you well!
In just two weeks, we will launch again our program year here at Orchard Cov. There is much to do! But don’t worry, it will get sorted out!
I have people and school on my heart today. Our boys, Ben and Sam head back to school this Thursday and Jake, our Kindergartener goes a week later. (Maybe I will sneak him on the bus anyway – wink).
Here is my prayer for today:
Creator of trees that are turned into pencils and cotton turned into clothes, look upon our community today. See the parents. See the children. See the teens, and their teachers. See their schools. See their bags and backpacks. See the grandmas and grandpas the aunties and those too young for school.
See our excitement. See our nerves. See our anxious what ifs and could have beens. See our classmates, our bus buddies and foes.
See those for whom this rhythm of school doesn’t touch. That rhythm is just a memory.
Heavenly Father, we know you can see… work in our lives this year. Grow our trust in you. Prepare us for not only the easy but also what is hard. Help us to draw our strength from Christ who lends it joyfully.
Fill us with your Spirit. You are our guide and friend. You go with in cars, on buses, in classrooms and on screens.
In the powerful name of Jesus,
With gratitude,
Pastor Karen

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