As the new year rolls around, I know that it is going to bring all kinds of ups and downs for each of us and for the church. There will be times of great joy, and times of grief. It is my prayer that alongside any other commitments that you are making for the new year, that you would prayerfully recommit to doing the ups and downs together at Orchard Covenant Church.
It is commitment that gets us through the hard times and it is commitment that makes our times of joy that much more special.
As you have heard before, there are at least three ways to commit to God’s church — time, treasure, and talent. We are a church that only functions when everybody is committing all three of those.
But a fourth type of commitment beyond these three is trust. Committing to trusting that God is at work here at Orchard Covenant Church. When we are committed to trust, three things take place:
1. We give people and circumstances the benefit of the doubt — we assume good motives.
2. We give things time– if things are not happening yet, or the way we want them.
3. We give up control- we don’t rely on our own understandings, but seek after God’s will.
No matter what the future brings, if we remain committed to whatever God wants to do in and through Orchard Covenant church, then 2025 will be a blessed year.
Pastor Nick
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