
August 17 Message From Your Pastors


What an incredible day we had on Sunday! We celebrate with Kennedy Juma, Msebengi Bilanga, Ana Asani, Alembe Samsoni and Wakati Asani! Congratulations on your Baptism!! Praise GOD!! What a joyous day! This, my brothers and sisters, is what Jesus told us to do: “Go and make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. And teach them to obey everything i have commanded you…” Then, we receive a promise: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” The Lord is WITH us! We should rejoice!

Personally, I would like to thank God for a wonderful picnic in Wilbraham. All of us were disappointed that we were not able to go to Pilgrim Pines, but the Lord provided for us. The children and teens swam in the pond, some played basketball, and everyone had a great time. Also, thank you Lord for the beautiful weather!

I also want to thank God for the time that we had away. Speaking at Family Camp was a blessing and a challenge. The biggest blessing was meeting an Anglican Priest who had spent many years living with his family in Rwanda. They are now church-planting in New Hampshire and their son really enjoyed the company of the “sons of Munn.”

Our week with my parents on the Cape was full of delicious food and memory making! We never take our time with them for granted.

Also, I invited our next door neighbors to church! Our friendship has been growing. I came home elated by the baptisms Sunday afternoon and they were outside. Asking them to visit was easy this time. I’m pretty sure hey have a home church, but I don’t think they go very often. Remember – on Sundays – keep your eyes open for visitors and guests.

Grateful for all of you! Looking forward to Pastor Nancy’s visit this Sunday. Hope you can be there to welcome her “home.”


Pastor Karen

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