
May 10 Message From Your Pastors

Can you believe it is May?

It is just dawning on me that in a little over a month, my kids will be out of school and asking to be entertained! It seems incredible that summer is coming so quickly.

I am ready for it and not ready for it.

But let’s make sure that the church is ready for it.  We are ready for a good summer. Here are things that we are looking forward:

1.  By God’s grace and Pastors Karen’s faithful persistence, Cotuit Federated church on Cape Cod (her parents’ church) has given over $3,000 dollars to support summer camp for our kids (and Muhudu). Together with the Talent Show/Spaghetti Dinner and other fundraising we already have $4,250 raised to help send our kids to camp. But wait there’s more… We are expecting to receive more funds through Covenant Living Senior Living in Cromwell. God is so good!
2.  By God’s grace, and faithful persistence of many in the congregation, we will vote this Sunday after church on potentially using money obtained through an COVID era grant to install air conditioning (& less loud heating system) in the community hall.  We have also had two faithful stewards that have provided generous gifts towards such HVAC projects. All told, with both the grant and designated gifts, we have $34,000 dollars (3/4 of the funds needed) already given toward making summer ministry in the community hall cooler (pun intended).  All the time God is Good!
3.  By God’s grace, and the gift of his people, we have a lot of cool events coming up: Global 6k (Walk for Water) in May, Youth Takeover Sunday and Children’s Sunday in June, and the Church Picnic in July. We are also hosting the Indian Orchard Youth Citizen’s Council Chess Tournament Event on May 26th.

Look below to see all the details of these events.

It is God’s nature to be good, all the time!  Amen?

Pastor Nick

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