
May 23 Message From Your Pastors

OrgCom and what God is doing with our church

In the busy-ness of life,  you may not remember that at our annual business meeting in February,  the church voted to create a team to talk about our leadership organizational structure.  The team ended up calling itself — OrgCom (Organizational Committee).   On the team is Mike Foster (who is chairing the team),  Jane Jumba, Dick Warner, Dina Hokanson,  with Pastor Nick, ex officio.  

We want you all to be part of the conversation!  On June 30th,  your first opportunity arrives!   During Munch N Mingle,  we are going to have “table conversations”.

During this first conversation,  we want to talk about what God does and should do through us in our church.  Our conference superintendent, Howard Burgyone met with the team and one thing he emphasized is that our leadership structure should facilitate our church living out its values.   Which means that for OrgCom to help think about leadership structure,  we need to know the church’s values.   WE NEED YOUR HELP to discern this.

You will hear about this more in the coming weeks,  this is an ALL CHURCH conversation.  We will also be offering a ZOOM conversation for those that are away for the summer or that can’t make the Munch N Mingle conversation.  The timing of the zoom conversation is still TBD.

We hope that you will take the time to invest in these conversations.  Questions?  You can email [email protected] and Brenda can forward your email to appropriate people or talk with anybody on the OrgCom team.


Pastor Nick


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